Chile Tenders and Opportunities


Chile plans to award tenders for US$3.97bn for the construction or expansion of a key highway, a bridge, its main airport and several hospitals before March.

Vespucio Oriente concession

The 40-year, Vespucio Oriente concession entails building and operating a 9.3km underground expressway running from El Salto avenue to Príncipe de Gales avenue. The tunnel will stretch over two different levels, each one hosting a one-way, three-lane expressway.

Road capacity along that stretch will increase to 8,000 vehicles per hour from a current 3,000 vehicles per hour, in a push to mitigate increasing traffic jams in the city

Projected Tender:   Technical and economic proposals on November 19 and December 19 but will  delayed for up to 30 days


Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport

The Santiago’s Arturo Merino Benitez (AMB) international airport project aims to expand the airport in order to serve 29mn passengers by 2030 and 50mn passengers by 2045. The airport handled almost 13mn passengers in 2012.

Some of the new features in the new concession include construction of a 200,000m2 terminal, with two wings exclusively for international flights, and two additional wings that will “swing” between international and domestic flights.

Projected Tender: The retender for the US$716mn expansion of Santiago’s international airport, which was expected for the last three months of 2013, will take place in January.


Chacao Bridge

The bridge Chacao bridge will connect the island of Chiloé in southern Chile’s region X to the mainland, and will be the biggest in South America. The works are set to begin in 2015, and the bridge is expected to be operational in 2019.

Project Tender: The ministry said it will open the technical proposals for Chacao bridge’s construction on November 4, and will review the economic proposals on December 9. The project is worth US$740m.


Other Projects:

Chile will also tender hospital projects Del Salvador, Santiago Occidente, Sótero del Río, Red Sur and Red Quinta, worth US$1.58bn, between January and February 2014.






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