Developments In Colombia


Update on peace talks


On 26 May 2013, the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) agreed to an historic land reform that is likely to contribute to the peace process.  The reforms are aimed at ensuring fairer access to, and distribution of, land and reduction of poverty

The peace talks will resume on11 June 2013.

Should the peace talks be successful, it is anticipated that the Colombian economy will benefit, particularly in areas such as mining and energy.

National Mining Agency

Colombia’s national mining agency (ANM) has now resolved approximately 90% of the backlog of 19,000 applications for mining titles.  Of this number, approximately 6% have successfully received the rights to mine.

The remaining 94% of claims were rejected as a result of failing to meet regulatory requirements.

From our new office in Bogotá we can provide business and legal advice to companies seeking to establish a presence in Colombia, including the latest developments in mining regulation in the country.  Please contact our office for further details.

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