Opportunities and Tenders for Peru


The Harris Gomez Group has been monitoring Peru for some time now. Peru offers favourable investment opportunities and below we have compiled a list of projects that are being discussed to move forward in the immediate future or are currently being tendered. 

Peru to tender US$10.7bn in infrastructure projects in 2013:
  • US$4.5bn Metro line 2 for Lima,
  • US$2.4bn Sur Peruano natural gas pipeline,
  • US$1.2bn Two 500MW diesel power plants
  • US$606mn Third stage of the Chavimochic irrigation project
  • US$552mn Longitudinal de la Sierra highway
  • US$556mn Chinchero airport
  • US$434mn Moyobamba-Iquitos power line
  • US$315mn National fiber-optic network
  • US$250mn Natural gas liquids storage facility on the south coast
  • US$101mn Upgrade of the port of Pisco


Peru calls tender for construction of border service center

Peru’s ministry of foreign affairs has launched a call for tenders for the construction of the binational border service center Desaguadero, in Punoregion. The initiative includes civil works, a sewage treatment plant, installation of elevators, heating and access roads, among others. The construction period is16 months.

Bids will be accepted until September 23, 2013.


Peru studying gold concession within Huayday Ambara coal deposit

Peru’s government may tender out a gold concession at the Huayday Ambara anthracite coal deposit in the northern Andes, an official said.

The government had planned to call bids for the coal deposit, in La Libertad region, but has returned the project to the evaluation stage to define gold mineralization, state news agency Andina reported, citing Javier Illescas, director of investment promotion agency ProInversión.


Renewable Tender

Peruin November plans to award contracts in a third renewable energy auction aftera first process launched in 2009 and 2010 and a second in 2011.

The third auction looks to add 1.3TWh/year from new hydro projects and 320GWh/year from biomass with commercial operations penciled in to begin December 2016. Contracts would run until December 2036.

Bidding rules go on sale Tuesday (Aug 13) for US$5,000 through September 13, which also is the registration deadline.

Qualification documents and offers are due September 27 with qualifiers to be announced October 17 and results on November 5. The aim is to close the process byJanuary 10.

A call to provide up to 500,000 photovoltaic systems including O&M for rural and isolated zones not connected to the grid is scheduled for August 29.


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